© 2020 | Navigate360, LLC | All Rights Reserved
P3 is capable of capturing IP addresses of web &
mobile tip submissions. When IP tracking is
enabled, the values are stored for a period of 72
hours and can be made available to you upon
formal request in the event of serious misuse or
abuse of our system… such as first person threats
against life or property.
By default, IP Tracking is disabled on all accounts.
You must either Opt-In or Opt-Out of IP Tracking.
Even if IP Tracking is disabled on your account, we
can temporarily enable IP Tracking if you have a
troubling submission you would like to try to
subsequently capture the IP on if the tipster
returns to engage in dialogue or creates a new tip.
Using the options below - you can request short-
term tracking, modify your long-term tracking
preference, or request an IP Address (after
tracking is enabled).
Select an option below to continue